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A message from our Member of Youth Parliament, Muskaan

Hi everyone,

I’m Muskaan Mohammed, Middlesbrough’s Member of Youth Parliament. My deputy, Batool and I have important roles; ensuring we represent the views of all different young people in the area, attending Corporate Parenting Board meetings to update councillors on what we are working on, meeting with other MYPs to share ideas and making sure everything we aim to do improves the lives of the youth in our area. We work with members of the council, MP’s, local schools and decision makers and other MYPs within the North, to represent the ideas and voices of young people in our area. We have regular meetings, with our councillors and regionally with several MYPs to discuss ideas, organise campaigns, hold debates and ensure all young people are heard. 

Firstly, we focused on “Protect Our Future”, a campaign aimed to improve our carbon footprint. We held climate change conventions, spoke with large recycling companies and councillors to ask for things like recycling bins and created campaigns, such as ‘ReuseRefill’. 

Currently, we are now focusing on raising awareness of Mental Health, especially during the current pandemic. We know lots of young children and teens were impacted by COVID-19 and we are hoping to get support for all, inside and outside of schools. Furthermore, I want all young people to feel supported and heard by Middlesbrough’s council. 

Batool and I have important roles; ensuring we represent the views of all different young people in the area, attending Corporate Parenting Board meetings to update councillors on what we are working on, meeting with other MYPs to share ideas and making sure everything we aim to do improves the lives of the youth in our area. 

We are also working on sending out applications for our MiddlesbroughYouth Council! This is a very exciting opportunity for all young people, aged 11-18 to get involved in. Our applications will be sent to schools and posted on social media soon.

Hope you are all well! If you’d like to talk to me or my deputy about anything, contact us on our social media’s! 

Insta: @boromyp

Twitter: @boro_myp

Muskaan Mohammed.