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This Journey of a Child interactive diagram gives you an overview from initial contact, through to a child's final destination.

Some areas of this map have hyperlinks to current documents that you may find useful.



Practice Model
Referral Forms
Good Examples
Management Oversight & Record Keeping
Care Leavers
Journey Tube MapEarly Help Assessment Legal Panel Day 1 Placement Connected Carer Referral to Adoption Meeting CLA Viability Assessment MACH Contact NFA Referral to other Agencies CP CIN/CWD Either do nothing or CIN Sec 47 or Legal Gateway Either Step up & CP Plan or Step down, Early Help, Close Max 12 Weeks Issue Proceedings Vari max 2 weeks Child accommodated in Fostering or Connected Carer If with connected carers 16 or 24 max weeks to panel 1st Statutory Review 2nd Statutory Review Permanency Plan Agreed Statutory review no less than 6 months, unless child changes placement then within 20 working days if plan not agreed If no Adopter Application for advertising Plan PO as well as CO Triage Init. CP Conf. 6 month review Pre-Proceedings Legal panel review/Decision to issue Advocates meeting non urgent cases Case management meeting Issues resolution meeting Final hearing within 26 weeks Final orders (Care order/Supervision order, PO, SGO) Medical CPR report/QA by TM & adoption supervisor Papers to ADM - Ratification Permission for placement order Court grants Placement Order Look for adopters Identify adopters CPR - Matching Panel via adoption agency ADM Ratification Prepare foster carer & child for move Initial adoption review 20 days after child placed Adoption review (3 months) can be at 10 weeks Application Order granted/Celebration Complete temp connected carer report reg 24 Procedures Connected carers - Family placement panel, ADM, Plan Apply for SGO or CAO Write support plan if SGO/RO Permanency amendments Carer/Child if fostering Fostering panel decision Permanence planning meeting Medical 4 Weeks Permanence planning meeting 16 Weeks 6+ Months Matching Stat. Review




Procedures & Guides

