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Middlesbrough Youth Council Updates from Batool

Batool updates everyone on the first MYC meeting!

Hi everyone!

I’m Batool (the DMYP) and recently, alongside (the MYP) Muskaan and Middlesbrough Council, have launched Middlesbrough’s very own Youth Council!
We had the launch meeting on the 14th of January and had 22 wonderful attendees. During the launch we explained the aims of the Youth Council and got to know a bit about each other and how everyone would like the Youth Council to be ran. It’s important for us to be flexible around other young people’s timetable since we understand how hectic life can be. We also played a Kahoot quiz, which became slightly competitive but fun nonetheless!
Our agenda for the next session is to elucidate to everyone the components of a meeting, so the Chair, Minute Taker and Blogger and also collate what the Members’ priorities are. This way, we can hopefully have a vote and decide what to campaign about/ focus on for the future. I can’t wait!