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Leaving Care

The broad definition of a care leaver (as described by the Care Leavers Association) is ‘any adult who spent time in care as a child (i.e. under the age of 18)'. Such care could be in foster care, residential care (mainly children's homes)Making or other arrangements outside the immediate or extended family.

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Leaving Care

The Pathways Team

The Pathways Team are here to support young people to leave care and positively transition into adulthood. Our one-to-one support is here to ensure that young people:

  • have the correct information about their rights and entitlements
  • find suitable accommodation
  • have everything they need to live a happy and independent life
Leaving Care

We are here to help care leavers to:

  • Move into independent living
  • Find work that they enjoy
  • Apply for university or other education
  • Understand how to manage money
Leaving Care

You deserve the best start

Our personal advisors are here to help care leavers to understand everything they need to positively transition into adulthood. If you have any questions about our service, or if you are a young person who needs support, please reach out to us.

We strongly believe that all young people deserve the best start to adult life and our team strive to achieve this and show Middlesbrough Children that they Matter.

Leaving care

Important Information for Care Leavers!

  • We can support you with bills when you move – find out if you’re eligible by contacting your advisor.
  • A Care Leaders guide to accessing your files.
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